Trip to Scitech

مؤلف الخبر : | تاريخ النشر : 25/11/2019 07:52 م

الرئيسية ~ الأخبار و الفعاليات

Our grades 5 and 6 students were taken on an educational trip to the 'Scitech' museum.

The main aim of the trip was to encourage our students' interest in science and technology as well as become aware of the latest development in the scientific world.

The museum offers a variety of interesting and interactive activities that the students were able to enjoy. The students watched a science documentary on the IMAX display systems. Other areas included 'The Discovery Oasis' which displayed models of reptiles and desert animals, while the living world explored the human body systems and the living creatures around us. 'Our Beautiful Seas contained aquariums of various sizes and the 'Wonders of Science' helped students explore the principles of physics and math in various interesting ways. Students were allowed to make scientific experiments on how technology helps to make our daily lives easier.

All activities were accompanied by explanations and interactive displays.