Dental Hygiene

مؤلف الخبر : | تاريخ النشر : 24/11/2019 09:38 م

الرئيسية ~ الأخبار و الفعاليات

Manarat Khobar International Girls’ School encourages a healthy body=healthy mind environment in our school. Students were reminded of the importance of dental hygiene as a regular routine to keep their bodies healthy and happy.

Primary students performed a morning assembly reminding their peers of the many ways we can keep our teeth clean and cavity free. Many second grade students prepared a speech and song about the benefits of dental hygiene. Some points mentioned were eating healthy food and avoiding sugary junk food, brushing twice a day, visiting the dentist twice a year, and drinking more water and milk instead of juice and soda. They performed a skit and song. The assembly concluded with distribution of information pamphlets and keyrings on dental hygiene to all the students.  

This theme also carried over to classrooms, and class teachers opened a discussion about dental hygiene in their classes. Children were asked what they learned and remembered from the assembly, and students were able to have an open forum discussion about keeping their teeth clean. Teachers had in-class activities during the weekly activity lesson making crafts and projects about dental hygiene.