Artwork of Talented Students in Manarat Riyadh Schools on Horsebacks in the International Equestrian Championship



More than 600 students in Manarat Riyadh schools have interacted with works of art as part of the Saudi Equestrian Cup Competition activities, sponsored by HRH Prince Bandar Bin Khalid Al Faisal, Chairman of the Equestrian Club, whose attendance at the end of the final events, hosted by the schools during February 2020, was an honor for the school students.

His Excellency was proud of what the students have presented and extended more than one hundred and fifty invitations to students and guardians to attend and enjoy the atmosphere of the World Equestrian Championship 'Saudi Cup' at King Abdul-Aziz Equestrian Field in Janadriyah.

In order to enhance the work done by the talented students of Manarat Riyadh Schools, His Royal Highness announced the selection of some works of art to be placed on the backs of horses participating in the championship and allocated a special prize that will be awarded to the winning   student whose artistic work was placed on the back of winning horse.