Activitiy - Hour of Code

Written by : | Published Date : 29/10/2019 10:03 PM

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Manarat Jeddah International School takes pride in announcing the start of the activity sessions every Thursday. Last week, in their first activity session, the students had great time enjoying something that came as a welcome change and broke the daily routine of the classroom. Such activities give the students more opportunities to get rid of the stress they may have throughout the week. Various activities are included: how to perform Omrah, barbecue, making a healthy snack, athletics, first aid, art, swimming, spelling bee, Arabic calligraphy, hour of code, subject areas quiz shows ,etc. These activities are well planned as the school provides all materials needed, and the teachers save no effort preparing for the weekly activity, encouraging all students to take part and supervising each student for their safety.

Activity - Hour of Code